(Quick backstory: I did a fair amount of sewing and quilting when I was in high school for 4-H, mostly. Then I went to college, then grad school. I think I made one wall-hanging quilt and one baby outfit in 10 years and that was it. A few years ago (2 or 3?), a friend posted a link to Fabricworm on Facebook and I clicked on it... somehow that led to getting completely hooked again - my 'second' quilting/sewing life has already been so much more productive than my first and more fun, too - not making things to be 'judged,' but that's another story.)
Anyway, this is a wall-hanging I made back in 1996 (when I was in high school... so, on my mom's sewing machine, with my mom's fabric, probably with my mom's guidance on block layout, etc.)

I assume I made it for 4-H and showed it at the County Fair that year, but I don't really remember that part, so maybe I just made it for fun. I do remember that all the little blocks (it's a small wall hanging, don't know exact dimensions) are paper pieced. Here's a closer look:

But all of that paper piecing in my first life didn't help me much trying to make this Iowa block in my second quilting life using the freezer paper method. I made one quarter that way and had to give up, make new templates on plain paper and go back to my old sewing through the paper way of doing things. Ahh... that felt much better and went much smoother! Though I can't really tell which of the quarters I did the other way, so I guess I didn't end up messing it up too badly.

And here are all the blocks so far (including the extra one of the first block):

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