I love my sewing machine.
It is a Pfaff 130, sews wonderfully, straight stitch and zig-zag, and forward and backward! I can lower the feed dogs to do free-motion machine quilting, which it does with no thread tension problems or anything.
Basically, this machine does everything I really need it to do, and does it really well. And it came with tons of original accessories (as you'll see in dome follow up posts!)
But another reason I love my machine is because it was purchased new in 1953 by my Great-Grandfather Dean (my dad's dad's dad), for my Great-Grandmother Nina to use. I never met this Great-Grandmother. I'm not sure when she died, but it was definitely before I was born. I do remember my Great-grandpa Dean, but not very well and my only memories are of him as a very old man.
They must have thought hard about what machine to buy. Here's a picture of a couple pages of the advertising/informational booklet about the machines:

Later in the book, there are pictures of all the types of machines/cabinets and my great-grandpa (my grandpa thought probably his dad would have done this) wrote in the price by each machine in pencil. Here's the one they ended up buying:

$ 314 dollars in 1953 equates to roughly $ 2500 in today's money (according to here). I have no idea what their finances were like, but I remember my Great-grandpa's house in Alton, IL and it was pretty tiny, so I'm guessing they weren't millionaires or anything!
And here's the machine today (in my sewing room with some boxes - not sewing supplies! - yet to be unpacked nine months after our move):

The machine also hides completely in the desk and the extended tables fold over it, so it ends up looking just like the picture in the advertisement book. I forgot to take a picture of the actual machine like that, but I bet you can imagine it.
I love family history and the machine works great, so it makes me very happy when I use it! I don't think I'll ever get another sewing machine... (well, except maybe a small, lightweight cheaper one that my girls could first learn on - the knee pedal on this is too high for them to use easily, and also I could take it with me to a class or something - this thing is super-heavy!!)
So maybe I should say that I don't think I'll ever use another sewing machine regularly! I don't need bells and whistles and I think this machine will last perfectly to probably be used by my great-grandchildren someday!
I have a million pictures of accessories and everything else that goes with it. If anyone reads this blog and is interested in this, leave a comment about what you're most interested in seeing (feet, old thread/accessories, random stuff I can't identify, instruction booklet and other papers, or questions about it too) and I'll do posts on that. If no one reads this or cares about old sewing machines, I'll just keep randomly posting stuff I feel like!