I wasn't sure how I was going to like this one - I've noticed I've tended to like the stars the most out of this quilt along and blocks that have a lot of background (like normal quilt blocks, ha) of other colors (besides white) aren't as much my favorites. (I'm beginning to think about how I'm going to put these together and I think they'll all work, though. More on this later...)
Getting back to South Dakota, I think the orange/pink fabric here pops enough that I like it. Though the blue print seems a bit brighter in real life.
I didn't have any real problems making it. Though I would like to point out that the bottom pinwheel isn't as terrible as it looks - one of the orange-pink triangles just happens to have a bit of white in the print that makes that part of the pinwheel look terribly bent. Anyway, it bothers me a little, though obviously not enough to redo it!
I think I'm only 1 block behind now... oops, nope. Just looked back at Sewing by Moonlight's RTQA page (nicely updated!) and I'm actually two behind. Need to do Wyoming and Montana... hope to catch up soon!
I'm so excited to see how this quilt finished up. I really love your fabric choice. And that bottom pinwheel actually doesn't look bent to me. I wouldn't have even looked twice if you haven't mentioned it. !!